Dress Code Reminder

During the summer months, parents will be shopping for fall school clothing.  With this in mind, people are reminded that Evergreen, Trailside, Woodfield and Fox River schools have a dress code that should be considered when making school clothing purchases.  Clothing that causes a concern for safety or disruption is not permitted.  Note the following code:

1. In warm weather, shorts may be worn.  Shorts should be an appropriate size and length (i.e., knee or mid-thigh length/arm at side, fingertips extended down should be length guideline).

2. Writing on clothing should not contain obscenities, display offensive graphics, contain double meanings or promote drug, alcohol, tobacco usage or violence.

3. All tops must have some method of attachment over the shoulders or around the neck.  Tank tops or tank type tops (including tube, halter, spaghetti strap tops or mesh) must have a t-shirt underneath the tank type shirt.

4. Midriff tops, tight fitting, see-through, and low-cut tops should not be worn.  All shirts/tops should extend to the waistline (stomach should not be visible).  Undergarments should not be visible while standing, sitting or bending.

5. Extremely loose, baggy, long or ill-fitting pants (including pajama bottoms) or shorts are not acceptable for school.  Undergarments must not be visible while standing, sitting or bending.

6. Students are not permitted to wear outside jackets in the classrooms during the school day.  Hats, caps, sunglasses and bandanas/scarves shall not be worn during the school day.

7. All students are required to go outside during winter recesses.  Playing outside is fun if children are properly dressed for the winter weather.  Warm coats, hats, mittens or gloves are necessities.  Boots are required when snow covers the playground.

8. Visible tattoos, arm drawing or writing on a student’s body is not appropriate for school.

9. Students will wear safety or special equipment when required.  Any clothing or jewelry that could be a safety hazard in any class will be prohibited by the instructor.

If, in the judgment of the administration, the student’s appearance is distracting, disruptive or a safety concern, the student will be asked to change.  Parents will be called for those students who do not cooperate.


Mr. Multhauf, Mr. Dembosky, Ms. Connors, Mr. Werchowski